Tuesday, August 22, 2006

ha! they think i'm one of them!

not only am i back in india, but after about 5 days of traveling, i'm in SOUTH INDIA, which can also be spelled y-u-m-m-y! coconuts galore, fresh papaya, what more could a gal want?

my travels have been exhausting up until yesterday:
*i left pai on 17 august, took a bus to chiang mai. spent the night in chiang mai and

*18 august: got up at 5am for my flight to bangkok. spent a long layover in bangkok shopping/barbgaining and eating in chinatown (yes, i am my mother's daughter), and then on to delhi. spent the night in delhi and

*19 august: woke up and went to the train station (twice, don't ask why) to get my ticket for the h--- outta delhi. i just realized i'm backtracking from my last blog. but if you spent 48 hours on a train you might also be a bit fuzzy.

*20 august - on the train.

*21 august - one layover in bangalore - welcome back to india! these nice people at the park saved me from sitting in a pile of feces and offered me chai. consequently there was a battle for my attention, my signature, and my address by random people in the park. and on to mysore!

*22 august - i spent the day negotiating public transportation - good times! especially because people are mostly leaving me alone - i have camoflauged myself as one of the natives. it's weird, before i left india everyone knew i was a foreigner. but in the past 2 days i can't count how many people have spoken to me in the local language; and then when i smile and shake my head, they try another indian language. i truly feel like i'm getting away with something! maybe it's because i have hair this time.

i'm eager to get to kerala - tomorrow's first errand is going to the train ticket reservation office; and then on to a semi-deserted Christian ashram. which is an interesting place. it's quiet and removed from the city and the people seem very nice. it'll be a good place to just chill before i get on yet another train in any case!

also looking very forward to a visit from my cooz! in like 2 weeks - what a reunion that will be!

catie - i had (almost) forgotten about yuengling lager - i thank you for the puddle of drool that now resides on my lap!

namaskar bloggers - till the next time!


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