Saturday, June 24, 2006

poor heather, has to go to thailand

yep, one more week in india. i'm not super excited to go to thailand, but a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do aey? (<--have been hanging out with canadians as of late;)

i have just gotten so comfortable here in mccleod ganj, teaching my friends yoga, practicing the massage i learned. the dalai lama just started public teachings...i've been here for well over a month and the place is just feeling like home! plus my apartment, or 'nest' as i like to call it, is amazing. this place is full of tourists, but really cool tourists. i've been tutoring the nicest tibetan monk as well. volunteering is so rewarding, i walk out of there on a cloud every time.

however, i am excited to go to thailand in many ways. my friend sarah and i were talking about a comfortable bed with clean sheets and a duvet last night. i had literally forgotten that such things existed and immediately wanted the cleanliness and comforts of home. thailand is meant to be much easier for travel so it should be gravy.

also the monsoon started yesterday. the stairs turned into waterfalls. and they say it gets worse and that might indicate that it's time for thailand too...although i don't know what the weather is in chiang mai either!

that's it for now, hope all's well stateside!


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