Tuesday, June 13, 2006

what to do, what to do...

if there's anything that this country has taught me, it's not to make plans. sometimes it's necessary, like booking a flight to thailand or reserving a train ticket. but that's about it. nothing can be counted on.

and as i tossed and turned before going to sleep last night, i re-evaluated my "long-term plan" which is a much more dangerous dealing than a short-term plan. my "long-term plan" had been to come home via paris and dublin at the end of september, stay with mom and dad in good old pa, and visit lots of people, spend the holidays. (this is where the changes happen): i had thought i should come back to india and thailand next year as well so i could study more ayurveda and thai massage...but man, i'm in the middle of a long trip right now and it's tiring work, this traveling! and daunting to think of coming away again next year. so now, i don't know what i'll do. i expect to be back in san diego sometime in the next 2 years...but other than that i just can't say. i'm hoping it's sooner than later, but the basic gist is that it's all up in the air.

i'm having a wonderful time in mccleod ganj though!! the dalai lama will be giving public teachings starting 15 june. i just finished a 5 day intensive yoga course and i'm going to start giving free yoga lessons (i threaten to, anyway). just started a 10 day ayurveda course yesterday and i'm learning new things already! also there's a yoga dance class and a contact dance class that i'm going to be taking. and i'm volunteering for a tibetan organization too! it's so refreshing to keep busy. all this fun stuff too!

social network is kind of inevitable too, after being here for a month! last night i went to this place that has an open mike night and ran into about a dozen friends from different places. i'm meeting such cool people here - australians, israelis, americans, canadians, japanese people...

i have a lot of fun with my japanese friend. i ask her these loaded questions, trying to get her to say, "that sucks" or "that's terrible" but it's considered so rude in their culture, so she'll sit there for a few minutes, trying to think of the nicest thing she can. and i crack up laughing. good to amuse oneself.

ah well i hope this finds you bloggers happy in the middle of the summer. happy to hear about pea plants, babies, life in general - keep in touch!

much love and namaste,


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