Friday, June 09, 2006

one (5 month period) down, one to go

hellllo bloggers,

last week marked my halfway point in india...i just took a step back to examine my trip so far. one could say that my life is different these days.

*i haven't used toilet paper in....uh....a really long time. in fact, i generate maybe less than 5% of the waste that i used to. i use a handkerchief (dadz hanky at that, so it's good to have something with sentimental value on hand). what else...oh, litter ain't what it used to be. i don't even bat an eye before chucking fruit peels out of bus windows or on the ground. the other day i had a paper plate with 'fast food' on it and i went out of my way to bring it back to the vendor so that he could properly dispose of it. in the bus station parking lot. ahh, india.

*i no longer bat an eye at men pissing on the side of the road but the other day we were in a new city and my german friend exclaimed, "oh! there's a rubbish bin!" it's all relative.

*i haven't had any refrigerated food in...i'm not sure...over a month?

*things i miss:
1. my wonderful family
2. friends, of course
3. clean streets
probably a lot of other things but i'm generally very happy where i am right now. i'm hanging out with a good crew of people, especially my friend natalie who's become like a family since we started traveling together a month ago.

i didn't get into my meditation course, but i did go on a little india adventure to spice things up. which included many bus rides. on one i was sleeping as rain fell through the empty screw holes in the roof. we arrived at our destination at 2 am and slept in a DIR-TY place. and my standards of dirty are a little different now.

the other night we heard a mouse on the floor in our room. it was making a lot of noise so we decided to see what the heck it was doing. it was actually a cockroach that was the size of a mouse, on its back, wiggling around. yummy.

that's all the news that's fit to print for now but much love to all and namaste!


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