Sunday, April 02, 2006

yoga yoga yoga!

rishikesh presents me with a new dilemma: which yoga course / class / ashram to choose? i literally spent 2 days wandering this place finding out when classes were, what type of yoga, how much it costs, all that stuff...and there's still so many places that i haven't checked out. i LOVE this problem!

i spent a harrowing 2 days in haridwar, which is supposed to me more 'hardcore' for yoga. i got ripped off for rickshaws left and right and went to so many places that didn't speak english (but were listed in my lonely planet) - i had to get out. rishikesh is great - it's at the foothills of the himalayas and the sacred ganges river runs through it. the water is green. there are a ton of hindu people here just to see the river; so there's offerings, temples, and your usual cows, goats, and whatnots. last night i almost stepped on a scorpion - that's a new one! i was keeping my eye out for cow sht, little did i know....!

anyway, eager to settle in to my new 'home' and get the yoga going! i have made a friend from the states, leslie. rishikesh is a safe, beautiful, and yogic spot so i'm happy to settle here for the next few weeks or so...

of special interest to matt might be the monkeys here. unlike the ones from bundi with their bright red butts and belligerent tendencies, the monkeys here have silvery hair and black faces - they're beautiful! furthermore, they were gently taking popcorn out of leslie's hand the other day - a far cry from the one in jaipur that leapt at me in an attempt to get some food!

miss and love you all!


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