Saturday, February 04, 2006

werd from the MPLS

hi miss,

greetings the midwest. i noticed an indian journalist commented on your latest blog entry, seems you are now world famous, just like dad's thunderbird, congratulations. did i understand correctly that you cut your hair 1 inch all around, say it ain't so? charece and i went rock climbing today in st paul at an indoor gym, it was really awesome, great workout, especially when it is 11 degrees outside. we learned the ropes, how to belay, and some primitive methods, can't wait to get Xtreme outside this summer. did i tell you about going to Austria this summer for a 6 credit, 3 week class, that is my kind of class. we'll see if i get accepted, the university of minnesota has an inferiority complex with me about certain things. i'm bringing some of the kids from ROTC to the rock climbing gym this friday, i'll be an expert compared to them after my basic skills class this morning!!! all part of the image. i've included a picture of snow-shoeing on new year's day, hopefully it doesn't plug up your connection over there. i'm off to get some studying done, accounting, yuck. oh yeah, last night charece and i went out for indian food in your honor, i got the channa looopa or some stuff, it was really good, charece got curry chicken, also a winner. stay safe and be smart about going along with strangers there, always have an out!! how is the back pack holding up? what is the best pieces of gear for your trip? matt pie may need to know these things. i love you and i miss you, talkies soon, love, will


Blogger matthew fenwick said...

those don't look like snowshoes, brah. and if you were doing it in jeans, it can't rate very high on the XTREEM scale.

11:46 AM  

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