Wednesday, February 22, 2006

random little whatnots

*first i would like to dispel a some sinead o'connor myths that someone seems to have started...ehhh, i guess that would have been me. my hair's grown out a bit, like 2-3 inches all around. originally it was just short all around including the front. if i can i'll send pics.

*also i forgot to mention that while in hampi and recovering from food poisoning, i took a nap in a restaurant. that's how chilled out it is there. they have these low tables and cushions in the restaurants, and i just laid down and slept while my friends went shopping. and it was cool with the staff!

*kate and i went to this tibetan refugee camp yesterday, to visit this lady i met on a bus when i first got here. she didn't know we were coming but welcomed us in her home. we weren't there very long ,which was good because we didn't know that we had to have a permit to enter. apparently you have to bribe the police if they find out you're there w/o a permit, so we couldn't leave her house during daylight hours. just funny that we innocently wander into this tibetan village and had to act like fugitives of the law!

*while in bangalore's train station (big city) an indian woman caught my eye bc she was wearing bright red lipstick. then i thought 'dang that's an ugly woman'. then i thought 'that ain't no woman!' and there you have it: my first encounter with a transvestite indian. wearing a saree, nose ring, long braided hair, the whole bit. you'd have to see it.

that's all i got for now, om shanti everyone!


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