Friday, April 21, 2006

careful what you AX for

hi miss, grand post about drinking the himilayan water, eating the street food, and living for $1/day. that is amazing. $1/day in key west would've got you a glass of icewater......matt and i were talking some about the possibility of going an indian store on ebay, charece and i looked up a store on ebay that was called Everything Indian or something like that and they sold all this stuff from india, looked interesting, but i think if we go after the high profit margin items, like lady's purses and jewelry and that kind of jazz that i know nothing about there could be a market for it, but you will need some good bizness contacts over there, so make lots of friends with the yocals. it will have to be high volume, but with your knowledge of what girl's want as far as fashion, maybe some consulting help from rachel, i think it's an interesting side business idea, so look for some opportunities for stuff like that over there and maybe some suppliers and what not. my ideas are in abundance these days, need to start doing some more in depth research into it. also, something interesting i was looking into over there was microlending. small loans, like $50, given usually only to woman, but the interest rate is around 25% for about 6 months i think or maybe less, which is actually much better than what the local lending rates are which are like 5%/day. but they give out small loans, and they have a very low default rate, because it is dishonorable or something to miss your repayment over there, and whole villages generally pitch in to ensure people don't miss their payments. $50 loans obviously go very far over there and it can enable small scale entrepreneurs in india to achieve profitability and really fixes a lot of social problems, and also can provide some nice returns for investors. i requested some info from one of the microlending banks over there, but i'm pretty sure they have blown me off, anyways, good stuff. i booked my trip to vienna, i get there on 29 july and leave vienna for paris on 19 august, then leave paris for minneapolis on 23 august, then school starts up that weekend for me. busy busy busy. tomorrow is paintball with the midshipman, i went out and bought a cup protector, a wise investment! the elePHANT (as the husband on arrested development would say) picture was hilarious, you look like quite the world traveler in that picture. stay safe and be smart about things, the yoga sounds grand over there.

love, will


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