Sunday, January 15, 2006

blogging pioneer succeeds at blogging

hi miss,

after much sniping by matt pie and following his initially ambiguous instructions, i have succeeded where others have failed. i figured since joann posted, it couldn't possibly be out of my grasp. some people are so blogtarded they have been posting to my back to ir@q blog, ie fancy!!!

anyways, for the first time in about 6 years, i succumbed to the common cold. i visited the doc to ensure it wasn't bird flu or spinal meningitis or something crazy. i was on the fritz for the past week, but today, i feel better alas, just in time for the new semester to start.

charece and i went to see memoirs of a geisha today, i'll give you one guess whose choice it was, it was ok, i wanted to see munich, the movie about the israeli's revenge on the terrorist who killed the olympic athletes, but i digressed. we took the skyway system back to the apartment, it was interesting, first time i used it in fact, there is a whole sub-culture of marketing and stores and restuarants that cater to people who use the skyway every day....only in america.

your indian adventure sounds really foreign and different, that is rather amazing what you said about the beggars and their children's extremities. will any of your friends accompany you to the south of india?

classes start for me on tuesday this week, work shouldn't be too trying this semester since i don't have to teach, so i'm looking forward to learning the ropes of financial accounting, i may even be hitting up dad for some knowledge.

stay safe and healthy, and keep an eye out for business ideas!!!!

misses and kisses,


Blogger Anil P said...

If the beggars can be 'overlooked' the south of india can be quite an experience, the rural south that is. Goodluck.

5:39 AM  

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