Friday, April 28, 2006


just a little story from my yoga class. there are these japanese students here and they're lovely: very polite, reserved, sweet. constantly doing this little head bow and saying "thank you". they don't speak much english, but they've learned phrases like, "have a good day" and "nice to see you again" after not having seen me for 2 hours.

my yoga instructor is an indian male. he's very intense. he screams things like "BREAK THE BELT! BREAK THE BELT MORE!!" and "NOW PUSH YOUR LEG INTO THE WALL!! PUSH YOUR LEG LIKE SOMEONE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" we laugh a lot in his class.

so the japanese guy is in a headstand the other day, doing a demonstration. his english is sub-par but the indian instructor doesn't know this. the instructor, pankash, is telling him, "now MOVE your ANUS into your PERINEUM!" kuhtz, the japanese guy, MIGHT understand "move" but the rest of the words....not so much. so he's not following the instruction and pankash starts screaming, again: "MOVE your ANUS! MOVE YOUR ANUS! HA! THIS IS YOUR ANUS!" and proceeds to show kuhtz exactly where his anus is located. his hands-on adjustments can be a little intrusive.


another time, the japanese students had a friend ask if he could join the course late. pankash basically said no and turned his back on the humble requester. while the japanese students stood back bowing and saying "thank you".

even the touristy places are pretty interesting!


Blogger Unknown said...

wow - that story is absolutely hysterical! i will say im glad instructures in dc arent so...hands on? lol glad youve found good yoga though! this week is dcyoga week so lots of free and $5 classes. however, i will say it doesnt seem to be geared towards people with a 40-hour work week, so im not sure matt & i will be able to take full advantage. anyways, just wanted to say hi! keep up the yoga & fun times!

7:36 AM  

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