Saturday, March 18, 2006

durnk blogging

hi mev and pie,

happy st paddy's day, i'm sure the rivers are already green thar! i wore my best st paddy's day t-shirt, "Proud to be Awesome" from the Urban "Youtfeeters" as Geoffrey would say. top notch, top notch. went out with some friends from work and some other friends from the football team, that's right fellow bloggers, i play on a football team, no need to mention that it is co-ed and two hand touch, but what do you expect from a 31 year old boy?

i got a ride home from a buddy on the football team. this bloke doesn't see the need to wear a seatbelt despite my durnk explanation of the physics behind a head on collision, didn't seem to register with him at all, it may be because he is a union member in northwest airlines, but who am i to judge?

an enjoyable spring break was had by one william b. i did a whole lot of vegetating. my brain still hurts, only 3 more weeks of the semester left, thank God. i went snowboarding today here in the twin cities. never would i have thought that ski roundtop was a mountain, but compared to the knob hills of twin cities, it is a ski mecca. i was getting dizzy, literally, from the continuous counterclockwise cycle of snowboarding down the hill getting on the skii lift and snowboarding back down the hill, the runs were about 30 seconds long, at X-treme speed they were 25 seconds long. also, i was one of the best snowboarders on the slopes, another indication of severe junior varsity participants. anyways.....

charece is working the st paul women's expo this weekend, she succeeded in getting about $50,000 in corporate donations for gift prizes and raffles, quite impressive indeed, hopefully she gets some clients out of it, things are going well with her job.

hope all is well in inja. spring is right around the corner here in minneapolis, so they tell me, this 6 months of winter is getting ridiculous.

ps, i'll be in vienna from 31 july to 19 august, then hopefully a quick jaunt to visit geoffrey. miss, if you can meet up in that neck of the woods then, lemme know.

stay safe, be vigilant, go GS Rams,

love, will


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