Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First of all, I'd like to thank you, Matt, for two things. Numero uno: apparently, 'holi' is not celebrated in Los Angeles - or at least not in my office. So when I threw toner on my co-worker and yelled "HAPPY HOLI" all I got was bitch slapped. So thanks for the advice on smacking people with color. Numero deux: Will has proven to be no challenge at msn poker. So thanks for abandoning me and my poker addiction with an unworthy opponent.

Second, I would like to say that you must not forget to drink green beer on Friday as it is the sacred holiday of our dear St. Patrick. And no, green tea doesn't count. Don't eat yellow snow but drink green beer - that's my motto. Speaking of mottos, my posse and I (bet you didn't know I had a posse) are making matching shirts to wear out that say "I'm with stupid..." That way, when ever someone rubs me the wrong way, I'll just stand next to them with the arrow pointing in their direction - kind of like a passive aggressive form of belittling my fellow drunk human beings.

Third, do they have McDonald's in India? I was thinking about the whole cow thing and it made me wonder if the golden arches were there or not. Random question, but, I'm just keeping in line with the random thoughts.

Well, that's about it from here. I have another blog to tend to.

Travel safe, be curious and have fun.

Love and miss you both,


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