Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy Birthday, GIRL!

Wow--another year.....I hope that you had a wonderful birthday in India. Here's my little birthday photo for you--not quite as great as when you used to make me waffles for breakfast on my birthday, but it's the best I can do, seeing as how you're so far away!

I've loved all the pics and stories.....why didn't I just blow off this "job" stuff after grad school and come traveling with you?! Speaking of jobs, I just got a new one....no more juvenile delinquents for me. I'll still be working with families and kids as a social worker, just for a better agency, for better pay and just an all-around better job!

Chris and I just visited SAn Diego this past weekend--for the first time since I moved away! It was GREAT...we went to Sushi on the Rock, went to Balboa Park, watched baby seals in La Jolla and hung out with Meghan and Guido in OB. We also drove by the old apartment.....ah, the memories!

Happy travels, be safe!

Love, Jen


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